Aesthetic Oral Health

3608 Shannon Rd, #205, Durham, NC 27707

(919) 402-9200

Dentist in Durham

Cosmetic Dentist in Durham

Aesthetic Oral Health

At Aesthetic Oral Health, we provide precise and gentle dental care to the residents of Durham and the surrounding areas. Located in a state-of-the-art office, we offer the latest technology and treatment modalities to provide you and your family with the highest quality of dental care. Providing a comprehensive range of services, from preventive checkups to cosmetic and restorative treatments, we are a convenient one-stop solution for the whole family’s dental needs. Healthy and attractive smiles are the top priorities of our office. Every time you come in for a visit, you can expect the personalized attention that you and your family deserve. Aesthetic Oral Health was founded in 2004 by Dr. Peter A. Tzendzalian, who earned his Doctorate of Dental Surgery from the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry in the year 2000 and then went on to complete a 2 year residency in oral medicine at UNC Hospitals. During this residency program he received extensive training in all aspects of General Dentistry, as well as working with patients who had a wide spectrum of needs. As an active member of his church, Dr. Tzendzalian is committed to serving the dental needs of his local community and global communities through volunteer service. Through continuing education and maintaining active membership in a number of dental associations, Dr. Tzendzalian keeps up to date with the growth and changes in his field.

At Aesthetic Oral Health, we focus on a preventive approach to dentistry, and recommend that our patients come in for periodic checkups. A checkup allows your dentist to perform a comprehensive examination and teeth cleaning. As part of this visit, Dr Tzendzalian also performs an oral cancer screenings, using ViziLite technology, which is quick and non-invasive approach to identify abnormal tissue changes or growths. Providing guidance on how to establish an excellent oral hygiene regimen at home, we strive to make each dental checkup a valuable, informative experience, teaching you and your family the most effective methods of care. For pediatric patients, we provide fluoride treatments and dental sealants, to help to keep kids’ teeth cavity free from the start.

Our practice offers something for everybody, including patients with dental anxiety, who may avoid the dental visits due to fear. We offer nitrous oxide sedation, which helps even the most anxious patients feel more relaxed, and can make a lengthy procedure feel like it’s over in a short time. Patients with dental anxiety may also benefit from laser dentistry and air abrasion. Lasers can be used to precisely and gently remove dental decay, cure dental fillings, treat gum disease and perform biopsies, without any associated unpleasant stimuli, such as heat, pressure or vibration. Air abrasion is another alternative for removing tooth decay, and can eliminate the need for anesthesia when filling a cavity.

A beautiful smile contributes to a positive self-image, and at Aesthetic Oral Health, we believe that our patients deserve to smile with confidence. Your input is an important part of your treatment, and we work with you to help you achieve the smile you envision. We offer professional teeth whitening, which can be done in one short visit to the dentist or using customized bleaching trays in the comfort of your own home. For teeth that are more severely discolored, chipped, misaligned or undersized, we often recommend naturally beautiful porcelain veneers, which are ultra-thin designed to improve the harmony and luster of your pearly whites. If your tooth is in need of a complete restoration, we may recommend full coverage with an attractive dental crown. At Aesthetic Oral Health, we use CEREC technology to complete your naturally beautiful and durable ceramic crown on-site, in just one visit, without the need for a temporary crown or a return visit. In cases of lost or missing teeth, we also offer tooth replacement options, the most advanced of which are dental implants. An implant acts as an artificial tooth root, which integrates with your jawbone to support a dental prosthetic. A dental implant can be used for a single crown, a dental bridge or to provide added support to a denture. With the remarkable All-on-4 method, our dentist can place a minimal number of implants to support a full arch dental bridge.

Aesthetic Oral Care is located in Durham, NC, right in the Woodcroft Shopping Center. For residents of Durham and nearby Chapel Hill and Raleigh, Aesthetic Oral Care is a convenient choice for your local family dentist. Durham is a bustling city in the heart of North Carolina. Our city has something for everyone, from hiking in the Appalachian Mountains to our world famous Museum of Life and Science. Whether you’re a lifelong resident or stopping in for a visit, you’ll love it here in Durham. In addition to our exceptional and accessible location, we make dental care affordable to everyone who needs it. We work with most major insurance providers and an expert on staff will help you to file claims and maximize your benefits. We also offer flexible financing through CareCredit. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today.  

Office Hours

Monday: 8:00am - 3:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am - 3:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am - 3:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am - 3:00pm
Friday: By Appointment Only

Office Info

3608 Shannon Rd, #205
Durham, NC 27707
Phone: (919) 402-9200